Remote access to electronic resources

What is the university network

Connected into the university network are:
  • computers inside university facilities:
    • at the faculties
    • at the Rector's Office
    • at the Masaryk University Computer Centers
    • at the university residences
    • ...
  • university Wi-Fi network:
    • Eduroam
    • Wi-Fi networks at the faculties
Outside the university network are:
  • computers/alptops at home
  • computers at any external workplace
  • mobile phones via mobile data connection
  • ...

University-wide vs. local faculty resources

Remote access works for the majority of electronic resources – ones that are open to the entire university, at the very least. Some of the resources are available only at certain faculties and users may have to use dedicated faculty faculty VPNs.

Please contact your faculty library for more information about these resources.

Remote access to the Electronic information resources (EIZ) is available to all active students and employees of the Masaryk Univerity without any need to apply for it. Remote access is not available to students with interrupted studies and registered external users.

To use a remote access please choose one of these options:
  1. Use links to the EIZ only from the Portal of electronic resources.
    After clicking to a link you will be prompted to sign in with your UCO and password; if these data are valid, you will be automatically redirected to a required EIZ and will be able to work with it immediately).
    In this case do not use Microsoft Edge browser please (see news).
  1. Set up a VPN on your computer (see OpenVPN).
    Recommended for frequent and intensive work with the resources.

More information about remote access

The resources subscribed by Masaryk University can be directly accessed only from the computers connected within the university network (see the box to the right). To access them from outside the university network (from home, from external workplace, from mobile phone etc.) users have to use remote access.

In case of any troubles please contact us following these instructions.

Remote access options


Requires to install and run a special application. After the log-in, users can access electronic resources the same way as if the computer was inside the university network. Recommended for frequent and intensive work with the resources.


easy to use, your computer is a part of the university network
installation of a special application (requires administrator account)


Connection via the prepared "EZProxy" links These links are generated by the Portal EIZ when the user connects to university network from the outside. Recommended for quick access to a single resource.


one-click access
need to use prepared links at Portal EIZ


Institutional login – log in to a resource directly at its web page with the university crendetials (UCO and password). If a web page supports Shibboleth, the Portal EIZ provides Shibboleth links automatically.


direct access to a resource's web
not supported by all resources

Remote access from faculty hospitals

Logo FNB
Masaryk University employees who work at the University Hospital Brno (FNB) are recommended to use EZproxy or Shibboleth.
Masaryk University employees who work at St. Anne´s University Hospital are recommended to use EZproxy.
In case of any trouble please contact us following these instructions.