Earth sciences
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Resource description:
fulltext journals of ACS [more info]
Latin-English-Czech-Slovak dictionary of human anatomy terms [more info]
fulltext biomedical, life sciences, social sciences journals [more info]
digital library for biodiversity literature [more info]
full e-journal collection from Cambridhe University Press [more info]
electronic textbooks from Cambridge University Press [more info]
Journals subscribed by Medical Faculty, Faculty of Science and CEITEC in 2025 [more info]
multidisciplinary collection of e-journals [more info]
collection of selected e-books for TechLib [more info]
multidisciplinary collection of selected e-books for Techlib [more info]
collection of selected e-books for TechLib [more info]
collection of selected e-books for TechLib [more info]
ebrary ebooks selection [more info]
a large collection of e-books from EBSCO [more info]
electronic ebooks collection [more info]
collection of e-books from the food industry [more info]
Czech geographical bibliography online [more info]
fulltext archive by Elsevier [more info]
collection of electronic journals from the Institute of Physics [more info]
MEDLINE on PubMed platform [more info]
digital library of astrophysics [more info]
collection of selected research journals from Nature Publishing Group [more info]
archive of Oxford STM journals [more info]
full collection of e-journals from Oxford University Press [more info]
Global Think Tanks is a collection of objective, fact-based research from the world’s leading policy experts, think tanks, IGOs and NGOs. [more info]
the world's largest academic multi-disciplinary information resource [more info]
electronic journals in the field of humanities and social sciences [more info]
e-books from social sciences [more info]
Elsevier archive of Earth sciences journals [more info]
e-journals from Elsevier [more info]
e-journals from Springer [more info]
full text archives of Springer monographic series [more info]
journals from the T&F in humanities and social sciences [more info]
citation and bibliographic database [more info]
extension of WoS [more info]
collection of e-journals by Wiley [more info]
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Licenced resource
Free resource
Free-trial resource