Resources for: Faculty of Law
- Description:
- Licenced resource
- Free resource
- Free-trial resource
- Metaresource
Resource name:
Resource description:
a database of Czech law [more info]
a database of German law [more info]
a collection of full-text and bibliographic databases on linguistics, philosophy and religion [more info]
full e-journal collection from Cambridhe University Press [more info]
collection of online humanities journals [more info]
electronic textbooks from Cambridge University Press [more info]
full-text archive of journals in the field of humanities and social sciences [more info]
national aggregator of digital libraries [more info]
Czech books, periodicals, music, cartographic documents [more info]
links to interpretations of the citation standard ČSN ISO 690 [more info]
multidisciplinary collection of e-journals [more info]
collection of selected e-books for TechLib [more info]
multi-discipline journal fultext mega-database [more info]
reference manager [more info]
access to scanned books from MU libraries [more info]
collection of encyclopedic e-books from sociology, business, education, law [more info]
a database of full texts of legal periodicals, books and other documents [more info]
impact factors of scientific journals [more info]
collection of selected research journals from Nature Publishing Group [more info]
OECD statistical databases, online books and periodicals [more info]
online version of the Oxford Dictionary of English [more info]
full collection of e-journals from Oxford University Press [more info]
the world's largest academic multi-disciplinary information resource [more info]
Purchase DDA e-books [more info]
collections eBooks Law - publishing Routledge [more info]
Research methods library in social sciences [more info]
e-journals from Springer [more info]
journals from the T&F in humanities and social sciences [more info]
citation and bibliographic database [more info]
extension of WoS [more info]
collection of e-journals by Wiley [more info]
- Description:
- Licenced resource
- Free resource
- Free-trial resource
- Metaresource