Resources in Alphabetical Order

A B C D E F G H Ch I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
A B C D E F G H Ch I J K L M
  • Description:
  • Licenced resource Licenced resource
  • Free resource Free resource
  • Free-trial resource Free-trial resource
  • Metaresource Metaresource
Resource name:
Resource description:
The Archive of Fine Arts collects materials on contemporary arts, primarily Czech and Slovak visual arts. [more info]
reference tool for medieval Latin paleography [more info]
scientific journals published by the American Academy of Management Association [more info]
journals, proceedings, newsletters from the ACM [more info]
archive journal titles by ACS (American Chemical Society) [more info]
journals published by the AMS [more info]
collection of physical journals [more info]
Latin-English-Czech-Slovak dictionary of human anatomy terms [more info]
fulltext biomedical, life sciences, social sciences journals [more info]
A research project examining the presentation of ancient texts from the Greek tragedy to the Roman epic. [more info]
art and humanities full-text database [more info]
The Artcyclopedia is the leading guide to museum-quality fine art on the Internet. [more info]
Retrospective bibliographic database focused on art history [more info]
Web portal of libraries in the field of art and architecture [more info]
full-text resource for the study of art and architecture [more info]
Extensive collection of freely accessible images, videos, documents and audio recordings from JSTOR partner museums. MUNI does not have access to Core Collection [more info]
Licenced resource ASPI
automated legal information system [more info]
bibliography and full texts from theology and religion [more info]
digital archive of Samuel Beckett's manuscripts [more info]
a database of Czech law [more info]
a database of German law [more info]
bibliography of German language and literature [more info]
digital library for biodiversity literature [more info]
bibliographic database on biology and biomedicine [more info]
national medical bibliography [more info]
Czech e-books from Czech publishers [more info]
11 medical e-books [more info]
a collection of full-text and bibliographic databases on linguistics, philosophy and religion [more info]
selection of Brill reference manuals [more info]
Licenced resource Business Source Premier
database providing access to business scholarly journals [more info]
Licenced resource Général
selected e-books from Cambridge University Press [more info]
full e-journal collection from Cambridhe University Press [more info]
electronic textbooks from Cambridge University Press [more info]
individual journals subscribed by Medical Faculty, Faculty of Science and CEITEC in 2025 [more info]
full-text archive of journals in the field of humanities and social sciences [more info]
selected e-journals [more info]
national aggregator of digital libraries [more info]
full-text database of Czech poetry of the 19th and early 20th centuries [more info]
Resources, data and tools for the study of Czech literature [more info]
Czech books, periodicals, music, cartographic documents [more info]
Licenced resource CINAHL Plus with FullText
full text and bibliographic database focused on nursing and allied health fields [more info]
Licenced resource Citace PRO
citation manager [more info]
links to interpretations of the citation standard ČSN ISO 690 [more info]
Digital library focused on works of social sciences and humanities. [more info]
fulltext of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud [more info]
full texts of selected (sponsored) standards [more info]
multidisciplinary collection of e-journals [more info]
fulltext EBSCO database for dentistry and oral sciences [more info]
free accessible archive of Czech newspapers and magazines [more info]
collection of e-books from the edition East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 450-1450 [more info]
collection of selected e-books for TechLib [more info]
multidisciplinary collection of selected e-books for Techlib [more info]
collection of selected e-books for TechLib [more info]
collection of selected e-books for TechLib [more info]
multi-discipline journal fultext mega-database [more info]
a large collection of e-books from EBSCO [more info]
electronic ebooks collection [more info]
fulltext and bibliographic database of economics [more info]
e-books on the Internet and IT [more info]
Licenced resource eHRAF World Cultures
a set of purchased economics e-books [more info]
Collections eBooks publishing Elgar [more info]
Educational E-books by Masaryk University teachers recommended as study materials. [more info]
Biomedical Research and Drug Database [more info]
e-journal collection from Library Science by Emerald [more info]
reference manager [more info]
access to scanned books from MU libraries [more info]
bibliographic database of pedagogy [more info]
ophthalmology ebooks [more info]
The European Digital Mathematics Library [more info]
Official Journal of the European Union [more info]
Digital library focusing on European cultural heritage. [more info]
An index containing bibliographic information on academic journals in the humanities and social sciences. [more info]
full-text and bibliographic database [more info]
collection of e-books from the food industry [more info]
Licenced resource FranText
full texts of French literature [more info]
collection of encyclopedic e-books from sociology, business, education, law [more info]
a full-text source of literary information [more info]
Czech geographical bibliography online [more info]
a platform providing its users with a deeper insight into the financial performance of companies worldwide [more info]
a collection of DE GRUYTER linguistic manuals [more info]
a database of full texts of legal periodicals, books and other documents [more info]
fulltext archive by Elsevier [more info]
books and videos published by Human Kinetics [more info]
journals, proceedings and standards by IEEE/IEL [more info]
publication of the International Monetary Fund [more info]
a tool for analyzing scientific performance using citation metrics [more info]
reference dictionaries of linguistics [more info]
Digital library of websites, text, image, audio and audiovisual documents and software programs. [more info]
Archive of data from the field of research of social and behavioral sciences. [more info]
collection of electronic journals from the Institute of Physics [more info]
E-book describing how to cite according to the most frequently used citation styles in academic community (eg ISO 690, Vancouver, etc.). [more info]
Journals of the American Medical Association [more info]
impact factors of scientific journals [more info]
full texts of scientific journals from various fields (Journal Storage) [more info]
112 medical electronic books [more info]
full-text medical journals [more info]
biomedical and nature science e-books [more info]
fulltext and bibliographic database in the field of library and information science [more info]
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts [more info]
literary texts from English and American literature [more info]
a collection of databases of Greek / Latin texts of antiquity and the Middle Ages [more info]
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer) [more info]
Licenced resource Loeb Classical Library
e-books of Classical literature [more info]
Licenced resource LSEG Eikon
(previously Refinitiv) database providing financial intelligence, economic information, stock data and market information [more info]
medical journals archive published by Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins [more info]
fulltext medical journals published by Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins [more info]
Licenced resource MagnusWeb
The database of companies, schools, non-profit organisations etc. in Czech and Slovak republics [more info]
manuscripts and old prints in the Czech Republic and abroad [more info]
Interactive map of nonprofit sector in the Czech Republic [more info]
mathematical abstract and review database [more info]
MEDLINE on EBSCOhost platform [more info]
MEDLINE on Ovid platform [more info]
MEDLINE on PubMed platform [more info]
bibliographic database of Czech biomedical publications [more info]
archive titles of biochemical publications [more info]
a list of electronic resources on the FSS MU library website [more info]
e-reading room of Masaryk University [more info]
full texts of Czech production until 2003 (2013 serials) not available on the market [more info]
digital library of astrophysics [more info]
collection of selected research journals from Nature Publishing Group [more info]
compositions and accompanying material of mostly classical music [more info]
working papers in economics from the National Bureau of Economic Research [more info]
Licenced resource NewtonOne
Czech a and Slovak media resources [more info]
Nursing care portal [more info]
OECD statistical databases, online books and periodicals [more info]
Digital library focused on German culture. [more info]
free college textbooks [more info]
journal archive by Elsevier [more info]
online version of the Oxford Dictionary of English [more info]
collection of selected e-books from the field of humanities and social sciences [more info]
full collection of e-journals from Oxford University Press [more info]
collection of musicological resources [more info]
online encyclopedia of linguistics [more info]
Open digital repository and archive of academic texts. [more info]
archive (vols published1964-1995) [more info]
Licenced resource Patria Plus
information resource for financiers, economists and investors [more info]
Open access archive of French journals in the field of social sciences and humanities. [more info]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA [more info]
Global Think Tanks is a collection of objective, fact-based research from the world’s leading policy experts, think tanks, IGOs and NGOs. [more info]
newspapers and magazines from around the world [more info]
The largest digital library of full texts of world literature. [more info]
the world's largest academic multi-disciplinary information resource [more info]
Licenced resource ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: The Humanities and Social Sciences Collection
full-text of dissertations and theses [more info]
medical resources in ProQuest Central collection [more info]
humanities and social sciences resources from the ProQuest Central [more info]
abstract and full-text database of psychology [more info]
factographic database of chemical substances [more info]
factographic and bibilographic database for chemistry [more info]
RISM is a freely available catalog of historical manuscript music sources, which are stored in hundreds of world libraries and archives. [more info]
bibliographic database of musicology [more info]
collections eBooks Law - publishing Routledge [more info]
e-books from humanities and social sciences [more info]
online encyclopedia from the Middle Ages [more info]
Licenced resource RSC Archives
archive journal titles of RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry) [more info]
fulltext journals of of RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry) [more info]
electronic journals in the field of humanities and social sciences [more info]
e-books from social sciences [more info]
Research methods library in social sciences [more info]
Case studies and datasets from Sage [more info]
prestigious journal in sciences a medicine [more info]
Elsevier archive of Earth sciences journals [more info]
e-journals from Elsevier [more info]
journal in the field of cell signaling and regulatory biology [more info]
chemistry database [more info]
evaluation of science and research outputs [more info]
repository of particle physics articles [more info]
multidisciplinary citation and abstract database from Elsevier [more info]
portal of film resources [more info]
SSRN is devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of research and is composed of a number of specialized research networks. [more info]
full-text sources for sociological research [more info]
bibliographic databases on sport [more info]
database on sport and sports sciences [more info]
full-text sport journals database [more info]
bibliographic database on sport [more info]
over 750 e-textbooks from all areas of computer science [more info]
e-journals from Springer [more info]
full text archives of Springer monographic series [more info]
Statista is one of the leading providers of market and consumer data. [more info]
a database of impressions of Chinese inscriptions [more info]
a digital archive of rare books in Chinese [more info]
a digital library of rare Chinese books [more info]
full text of the Journal of National Essence [more info]
index of journals articles published in Taiwan [more info]
full-text of Taiwan periodicals [more info]
a union catalogue of rare Chinese books [more info]
selected collection of e-books [more info]
journals from the T&F in humanities and social sciences [more info]
CEJSH is an open-access database of abstracts, reviews of full texts of articles from journals published in Central European countries with a focus on social sciences. [more info]
historical archive of The Economist journal since 1843 to 2020 [more info]
An online encyclopedia providing open access to detailed, scientifically reviewed, information on key topics and personalities. [more info]
digital library of greek literature [more info]
archive of The Times newspaper [more info]
archive of The Times Literary Supplement [more info]
medical and biomedical color atlases and textbooks [more info]
digital library of early-medieval texts [more info]
Digital library providing free access to materials created by the UN. [more info]
Unified access interface to all available information databases of the Theater Institute. [more info]
citation and bibliographic database [more info]
Open access portal, which is used to create, store and obtain verified study materials from the field of humanities. [more info]
selected encyclopedia from the Wiley Online Library [more info]
collection of e-journals by Wiley [more info]
Licenced resource Writefull
automated proofreading for science [more info]
German multidisciplinary digital library. [more info]
mathematical reviewing service [more info]
bibliographic database on animal biology [more info]
reference manager for managing references and creating list of bibliographic references [more info]
  • Description:
  • Licenced resource Licenced resource
  • Free resource Free resource
  • Free-trial resource Free-trial resource
  • Metaresource Metaresource