Discovery.muni <b>Full Text Finder</b>

JSTOR (Journal Storage) is a leading online database of digitized full texts from more than 2000 scientific journals in the fields of humanities, social sciences and natural sciences (anthropology, ecology, economics, philosophy, finance, history, literature, mathematics, political science, sociology, musicology, film science, statistics, education and more). Each magazine is fully digitized from the first issue (often deep into the last century) to the moving wall, which is usually "three to five years from now".

Since 2018 MU has purchased the following collections

  •  Arts and Science I-XV
  •  Life Sciences

that cover almost all of JSTOR's content (including Business I-III, Mathematics & Statistics, Music, Religion & Theology, Biological Sciences, Health, and others).

An overview of all collections and journals available to JSTOR users at Masaryk University can be found at http://www.jstor.org/librarians/products/journals/multi-discipline

Some of the JSTOR content that MU does not subscribe to is freely available in Open Access:

During the coronavirus crisis (until June 30, 2022), JSTOR opened additional parts of its collections free of charge:

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