ATLA Religion Database with Serials

Discovery.muni <b>Full Text Finder</b> Shibboleth

ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials is a premier index for journal articles, book reviews and collections of essays from all areas associated with theology and religious studies. Moreover, it includes an on-line collection of theology journals by ATLA (American Theological Library Association).

The source includes more than 555,000 indexed articles from more than 1,656 journals (of which 518 are currently being indexed), more than 232,000 essays from 16,700 works and collections, more than 511,000 book review records and an increasing number of multimedia indexing.

The contents have been indexed since 1949, with indexing for some journal titles extending back to the nineteenth century. Full text is available for more than 266,000 electronic articles and book reviews from more than 130 journals.

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