
Trial Access to Emerald Insight journal database

We have arranged a two-month trial access to Emerald Insight database with more than 300 e-journals, starting on March 13, 2017.

Emerald journals are featured in the world-recognized indexes: 61 journals are indexed in ISI, more than 190 titles are indexed in Emerging Source Citation Index and more than 260 in Scopus.

Emerald is a global publisher providing quality, peer-reviewed research in the fields as of Business, Management & Strategy; Library Studies; Information & Knowledge Management including Science Technology; Social Sciences; Public Policy; Environmental management; Marketing; HR, Learning & Organizational Studies; Education; Finance, Accounting & Economics; Operations, Logistics &
Quality; Tourism and Hospitality, Health and Social Care, but also technical fields such as Engineering (including Electrical, Mechanical Engineering; Computing and Modeling a Property Management & Build Environment).